Thank you, Jeremy. BTW, I deal with legacy machines that don't
know from SSH. :-(

Well this gets more interesting, at least to me...
With LANG=UTF-8, man uses the Unicode HYPHEN character (U+2010)
to break long words at the right margin, and uses the Unicode
MINUS character (U+2212) to prefix command line options (e.g.,
ls -l). The Windows Command Prompt window, used by Cygwin.bat,
doesn't display U+2010 correctly with the Lucida Console font,
but it works correctly with the default FixedSys font. Mintty,
OTOH, doesn't display U+2212 correctly with the default FixedSys
font, but does with the Lucida Console font. So, if I can
tolerate the ugly FixedSys font, then I can use Cygwin.bat and
the Windows FTP and Telnet tools without (anticipated) problems.

(I wonder if the Mintty developer would want to update Mintty to
support U+2212.)

--Ken Nellis

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Bopp [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 14:49
Subject: Re: various problems resulting from version 1.7.1

On 1/12/2010 12:08 PM, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
> After installing Cygwin 1.7.1, I noticed ugly man pages because
> LANG=UTF-8 causes man pages to be formatted with U+2010 hyphens,
> which aren't supported by Windows, so I took another's advice and
> installed mintty, which seemed to work just fine until I tried to
> use FTP or Telnet (the Windows versions). The mintty man page pro-
> vides a reason why it might not work with certain interactive pro-
> grams (see "LIMITATIONS"), which I presume includes these two
> programs.
> In lieu of going back to LANG=C and cygwin.bat, wondering if there
> is a recommended configuration that doesn't have these problems.

You could use Cygwin-based Telnet and FTP programs under Mintty.  I'm
personally fond of ncftp for FTP, and while I prefer to use SSH these
days, the telnet program included in the inetutils package always worked
for me back in the day.

In general I try to avoid using Windows-native software under Cygwin
whenever a Cygwin-based alternative is available.  It's just easier that
way for me. :-)


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