The following patch replaces a broken link in :

with the closest URL I could find in Red Hat's website in reference to the
proprietary cygwin licensing terms.  feel free to replace it with a better
suited link and/or correct it in Red Hat's website through a compatibility
redirect if appropriate.


PS. also found some small typo while reading the guide but unsure if this
    would be the best/more efficient way to report in those cases
Index: winsup/doc/overview.sgml
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/winsup/doc/overview.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -r1.12 overview.sgml
--- winsup/doc/overview.sgml	3 Apr 2009 11:51:31 -0000	1.12
+++ winsup/doc/overview.sgml	4 Jan 2010 16:03:55 -0000
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 tools. If you intend to port a proprietary application using the Cygwin
 library, you may want the Cygwin proprietary-use license.
 For more information about the proprietary-use license, please go to
-<ulink url="";></ulink>. 
+<ulink url="";></ulink>. 
 Customers of the native Win32 GNUPro should feel free to submit bug
 reports and ask questions through the normal channels.  All other
 questions should be sent to the project mailing list

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