Dave Korn wrote:

> Cesar Strauss wrote:
>> but failed with undefined references when switching to gcc 4.3.4. They
>> seem to be related to some inline functions in toporouter.c.
>   The meaning of "extern inline" changed, to match c99.  See, for example:
> http://sourceware.org/ml/newlib/2007/msg00292.html
> and the references therein.

- Not sure if I understand how to apply the modification referred in

- But, I do the following:
        - In "toporouter.c", replaced all "inline" keywords by
          "_ELIDABLE_INLINE" macro (found in "/usr/include/stdio.h").
          Result:  This do not solve the link problem!?

        - In "toporouter.c", replaced all "inline" keywords by
          "extern inline" keywords.
          Result:  This solve the link problem.

- Is there some requirements (in a project), to be able to use
  "_ELIDABLE_INLINE" macro correctly?


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