Cesar Strauss wrote:

> Curiously, when I tried it myself, the build succeeded with gcc 3.4.4,
> but failed with undefined references when switching to gcc 4.3.4. They
> seem to be related to some inline functions in toporouter.c. I will try
> to narrow it down.
> Meanwhile, you could try switching to gcc 3.4.4:
> 1) Install gcc-core from Cygwin Setup
> 2) chmod +x /usr/bin/set-gcc-default*
> 3) set-gcc-default-3.sh
> 4) gcc --version (should be 3.4.4)
> 5) Rebuild pcb from scratch.
> Or, alternatively, keep gcc 4.3.4, but remove all "inline" keywords from
> toporouter.c.

- Following your advice, I removed all "inline" keywords in "toporouter.c";
  and now, I can built PCB.

Thanks a lot.

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