On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Eric Blake wrote:

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According to Thorsten Kampe on 12/14/2009 5:22 AM:
That's why.  FAT32 does not support hardlinks.

Well, then why don't I get this error with the latest 1.5 DLL? It's the
same thumb drive, the same installation...

It _didn't_ work.  In 1.5, you ended up creating a copy, which meant there
was no locking after all.  If zsh then depended on that attempt at locking
working, you would have gotten into inconsistent states.

Your best bet now might be to report this as an upstream bug to zsh, and
recommend that they use an alternative approach, such as symlink locking
(the way emacs does things), if hard link locking doesn't work because of
the underlying file system.

You may not have to.  The code thats doing this is dependent on the
link() function existing.  However, there's an alternative path in that
code in case link() is unavailable.  I'll hack Configure to undefine
link's usage and see what it does.

On a side not, Thorsten, you should be able to set your history file to
an NTFS filesystem as a workaround.  Not ideal, I know, but it should be
servicable for the time being.  Or, for that matter, why are you still
using FAT32?  Just curious....

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake             e...@byu.net
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