On Dec 11 21:36, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> Hi,
> I was testing the latest 1.7 DLL snapshot (1.7.2s(0.218/5/3) 20091209 
> 12:02:30) and the current 1.7 one (that you get from setup-1.7.exe). I 
> am starting zsh and get the following error: "zsh: failed to create hard 
> link as lock file /home/thorsten/.zhistory.LOCK: operation not 
> permitted".
> This relates to the following setting in .zshrc: "HISTFILE=~/.zhistory". 
> Zsh starts but no history is available. Cygwin is located on a FAT32 
> thumb drive.

That's why.  FAT32 does not support hardlinks.


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