On 2009-12-13, Andy Koppe wrote:
> 2009/12/13 Marc Girod:
> > I run a proprietary application, IBM Rational cleartool.exe from cygwin.
> > In some usage scenarios which I am now interested in, it prompts the user
> > for an interactive decision.
> > I do not get this prompt under cygwin (either X --emacs shell or xterm-- or
> > the Cygwin terminal.
> Surprised it doesn't work in the Cygwin console, unless you've got
> CYGWIN=tty set? The problem likely is that cleartool.exe expects to
> get input from a Windows console but is actually connected to a Cygwin
> pty.
> I'm currently working on a little utility for this sort of situation.
> It's called 'conin' and translates Cygwin pty input to Windows console
> input. Source is available at
> http://mintty.googlecode.com/svn/utils/conin.c and a Cygwin 1.7
> executable can be found at
> http://mintty.googlecode.com/files/conin-0.0.1.zip.
> Run it as a wrapper for your program, e.g.:
> $ conin cleartool

That looks really promising!  I just tried it, but our ClearCase
servers are apparently still down for maintenance, so I'll try again


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