On 12/14/2009 07:21 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
That's a workaround, not a solution. Any VCS that requires an O(n) (n
as the number of files being labeled) labeling post-processing pass in
order to create enough records in the database to track commits
atomically, when there are O(1) solutions like git where commits are
atomic _without any additional effort), is just too slow to be worth
anything in my opinion.
Besides, git is open source, clearcase is not. If git doesn't do what
you want, then you can patch it. If clearcase doesn't do what you
want, too bad.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion - which, of course, means
that we are entitled to ours. Nobody's forcing you to use Clearcase...
Oh your work uses it. Well when you come down to it really that was a
voluntary decision of yours too.
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
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