Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
This is new behavior with 1.7 and it's there to mimic what one sees in
Linux.  I can't reproduce your reported results in Fedora 8.  For me, if I
am 'root', I can see the contents of 'foo.txt' just fine with the permissions
you have set on it.

I do not know how Fedora works, but on Kubuntu the user created when installing the SO is also 'root': one need only to use 'sudo...'. After typing the password it 'remains active' for about 15 minute. This mean that if I use 'sudo less foo.txt' when that pass. is active I do not need to retype it, and, as 'root', I can read that file. But if I open a new shell, in which the passwd is not yet 'active', trying 'sudo less...' asks for the passwd, which looks right to me.

Why 'root' should read, for example, private mails of the other simple users of that PC?


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