Just a curiosity... (I have seen th following on Cygwin-1.7, but perhaps it happens also on 1.5)

Suppose that there are two users: the administrator (root) and a simple user (pippo). Suppose that 'pippo' has a file 'foo.txt' with permissions:


Why 'root' can read 'foo.txt'? For example with

$ less /home/pippo/foo.txt

On GNU/Linux, the same command (or with 'sudo') asks for pippo's password! (Which looks right to me)

Trying to read the same file as 'root', but with Windows applications (Notepad, for example), fails: one gets 'Access denied' (also if foo.txt is copied in the 'root' HOME or /tmp, as pippo's file rw-------). Even this looks right to me...


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