On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Andy Koppe<andy.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2009/8/25 Gwen Morse:
>>> I use a game client called Tinyfugue that can make use of ANSI 256 color 
>>> codes.

>> $ rxvt -tn rxvt-256color -e game
> D'oh, you'd already tried that of course.
> This perl script can prove that the native rxvt supports 256 colours:
> www.frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/data/256colors2.pl

Having tried the perl script it shows that 256 colors are definitely
functional in my existing rxvt terminal.

Time to go check with the Tinyfugue list as the client is built with
256 color support but it isn't working when it runs.

Thank you for the response.


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