> 2009/8/25 Gwen Morse:
>> I use a game client called Tinyfugue that can make use of ANSI 256 color 
>> codes.
>> I've been running in mental circles trying to find (or patch and
>> compile) a terminal that will support 256 under regular cygwin. I
>> can't use XWindows because I often run my client off a USB stick and
>> I'm limited to what I can carry on it (basically the bare minimum of
>> dlls hand-copied to get the app running).
>> I started out trying to use Putty for Cygwin. After reading the
>> minimal documentation I ended up stalled because I couldn't find
>> directions on how to use it to call another program via the command
>> line. Maybe I just missed them.
>> Then, I tried using rxvt. This runs nicely off my usb stick, however,
>> it doesn't come with 256 color support compiled in. I downloaded the
>> source files through the Cygwin setup program, applied the 256 color
>> patch (I think) and rebuilt it. I tried using both "-tn
>> xterm-256color" and "-tn rxvt-256color" options. Neither gives me 256
>> colors when I use the built-in testcolor call. In fact, I don't even
>> get 16 colors. I get the 8 basic colors but the "bright" options are
>> disabled. But, it is very nice to have a working terminal and I'll
>> stick with it for now.
>> I tried looking into xterm, but, it supposedly needs XWindows, so, I'm
>> not even bothering to test it.
>> What I need: a terminal program that can be built to run under cygwin
>> that supports 265 colors and where that feature actually _works_. If
>> it has any config files it needs, there needs to be a command-line (or
>> batch file parameter setting) that will let me tell it where to find
>> the file on my usb stick. It can't need Xwindows to run. If it needs
>> to be built from source I can do it myself.
>> If rxvt "should" work properly once the patch is applied, I would
>> appreciate help to figure out where that patching went wrong.
>> Really, any help on this would be appreciated.
> rxvt does support 256 colours, although you probably need to set the
> TERM variable to rxvt-256color to let your app know about it. This
> should do the job:
> $ rxvt -tn rxvt-256color -e game

D'oh, you'd already tried that of course.

This perl script can prove that the native rxvt supports 256 colours:



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