At 2002-09-19 06:14, you wrote:
>it doesn't work for me. In the second invocation of bash via "exec
>bash --noprofile --norc -i'' I don't see my environment variables and
>aliases defined in ~/.profile. Did you actually put something in ~/.profile
>and verified?

Sorry Frantisek et al,

Mea culpa. You are correct.  I was not using a .profile at all, thanks for 
pointing out the problem.  I have rearranged things and retested with a 
.profile.  I placed

alias profilels1='ls -s'
export PROFILE2=ProfileVariable2
export PATH=/cygdrive/c/Temp:$PATH

in my .profile in my home directory.  My OpenWith.reg file now contains:

===================== File:OpenWith.reg CUT HERE =======================
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Open with Command Prompt"

@="c:\\WINNT\\system32\\cmd.exe %1"

@="Open with Cygwin Shell (rxvt)"

@="C:\\cygwin\\bin\\rxvt.exe -geometry 96x76+800+5 -fg gray -bg black -fn 
Fixedsys-8 -sl 2500 -sr -tn cygwin -e c:/cygwin/bin/bash --noprofile --norc 
-c \"export EXPLORERDIR=`cygpath -u '%1'`; exec bash --login -i\""

@="Open with Command Prompt"

@="c:\\WINNT\\system32\\cmd.exe /F:ON %1"

@="Open with Cygwin Shell (rxvt)"

@="C:\\cygwin\\bin\\rxvt.exe -geometry 96x76+800+5 -fg gray -bg black -fn 
Fixedsys-8 -sl 2500 -sr -tn cygwin -e c:/cygwin/bin/bash --noprofile --norc 
-c \"export EXPLORERDIR=`cygpath -u '%1'`; exec bash --login -i\""
====================== File: OpenWith.reg END CUT HERE=========================

I make the first invocation of bash avoid executing any scripts, then make 
the second exec invocation run the scripts instead.  I  don't get any 
double execution, the PATH variable doesn't get /cygdrive/c/Temp added to 
it twice, and I get the variables and aliases from both .profile and 
.bashrc.  Notice the new EXPLORERDIR variable. The many quotes are needed 
for directory names with spaces! I had to add these lines at the very 
bottom of the global /etc/profile file to get it to change to the directory 
desired though:

if [ "$EXPLORERDIR" ]; then

John Daniel Doucette, Sr. Software Designer

J. J. MacKay Canada Limited
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Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 2R1

Phone: 902.423.7727  x222
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Web:    www . jjmackay . ca
Email:  john . doucette @ jjmackay . ca

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