> I don't know how to do it without using .bashrc, but this works for me
     > (current cygwin, NT 4.0)
     > Registry key contains:
     > D:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -sb -sr -sl 16384 -fn fixedsys -fg gray -bg black
     > -e /bin/env CFH="%1" /bin/bash --login
     > .bashrc contains
     > if [ "$CFH" != "" ] ; then
     >      cd "$CFH"
     >      unset CFH
     > fi
     > No temporary files, bash.exe or .bash_profile is not executed twice.
     > Also looks like cygpath -u is not needed, DOS paths seem to work in cd
     > command.

Not long ago someone posted a registry key to do this with right-click
button option. It works quite well and you can modify the key to your own
preferences (background colour, font colour, etc.). Someone posted a way
to opne a explorer from current bash PWD.


     > Frantisek
     > -------------------------------------
     > * John Daniel Doucette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [13-09-02 15:23]:
     >  > I am using Win2000 Pro, SP3.   Is there a way to invoke an
     > interactive bash
     >  > shell at a particular directory, without using a .bashrc or similar
     > file?
     >  > I.e. on the command lie alone?  The --login and -c options appear to be
     >  > mutually exclusive.  I would like to be able browse quickly to a
     > directory
     >  > with explorer, option/right click on the directory, then select a custom
     >  > "open with cygwin" option, and have the bash shell open at that
     >  > directory.  Has anyone tried this?
     > Read this from the archive.
     > http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2002-05/msg01648.html
     > HTH
     > Jens


Equipo Técnico de Laboratorios:
Gregorio Corral Torres
Esteban García Cuesta
Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago
Iván Alonso Gutiérrez

Departamento de Ingeniería Telemática
Edificio Torres Quevedo 4.1A01 Tfno:91-624-8757
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad Carlos III Av.Universidad 30 Leganés (Madrid).

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