On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 08:25:08AM +0200, S. L. wrote:
>> > CYGWIN is really a great thing. I want to use GTK natively on Windows,
>> not with XFree
>> > or another XServer. What is the easiest way to install GTK with CYGWI`N
>> BTW, this is XFree86 stuff and should be discussed on the
>> Gerrit
>> -- 
>> =^..^=
>Am I missing something?
>Or Gerrit ...?!  :))
>Actually the single hint for using GTK+ with native Windose, is the tml's
>(Tor Lillqvist) port -- which is not a cygwin but a mingw one. But as tcl/tk
>package has the same property and is still usable, GTK+ could become a similar
>case. Except the situation someone does a cygwin port (also like tcl/tk's
>case :)

No, you're not missing something.  We've all developed a knee-jerk
response to the subject of discussing X-related issues here.  Normally
that's a good thing.  :-)

You are specifically not talking about X, though.  So, it's perfectly
acceptable to discuss this here.

Just to add to the thread, I assume that if GTK+ can be built using mingw,
it should be pretty easy to build it for native cygwin.  Have you tried
just building it with Cygwin's gcc?


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