Hallo Torsten,

Am Sonntag, 19. Mai 2002 um 19:02 schriebst du:

> CYGWIN is really a great thing. I want to use GTK natively on Windows, not with XFree
> or another XServer. What is the easiest way to install GTK with CYGWI`N ?
> Do i have to download all the packages for GTK from www.gimp.org or
> is there a whole GTK package available ??

There are patches available.
See here: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/steven.obrien2/

But these patches doesn't use mingw as build environment.
They will result in native Cygwin binaries.  If you want
native Windows binaries, Tor's Gimp site is probably the
best point to start with.

BTW, this is XFree86 stuff and should be discussed on the



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