The point is that if you are really paranoid about these things then
someone might slip in a trojan or backdoor while you are downloading
Cygwin.  Obviously, if you subsequently set up an integrity tool then your
system together with the backdoor would check out as okay (possibly until
it got infected with a second backdoor or whatever).
I don't really have those kind of security requirements but I like to do
things right if I can; but I'll just accept that I have to download it,

On Mon, 13 May 2002, Harold L Hunt wrote:

> > There
> > are security issues with downloading Cygwin before installing ViperDB or
> > similar software under Cygwin and that is why I am interested in obtaining
> > Cygwin by CD.
> What?!?  Security issues?!?
> If you need Cygwin on a CD I'll be glad to sell the service of creating one
> for you for $300.  Cash or check.  No COD.
> > My current workaround is just to download Cygwin using the
> > fastest connection available and then burn a CD although that doesn't
> > solve the problem with downloading source code)
> It sure does solve the problem.  Choose the "Download from Internet" option
> on the second screen of setup.  Set the package directory to a temporary
> directory that contains setup.exe, then burn that directory to a CD.  Problem
> solved.
> Harold

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