Okay, thank you very much.  I will tell you if I have problems with the
setup program, especially with downloading the Cygwin packages' source

On Mon, 13 May 2002, Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) wrote:

> At 02:31 PM 5/13/2002, William V. Nicholson wrote:
> >I notice from the information on the Redhat website and in the FAQ that
> >there is no Cygwin CD.  I am interested in using Cygwin; but I don't
> >believe I require the Cygwin license for my applications.  I have
> >previously used Cygwin by downloading it; but I encountered some
> >difficulties with the setup program, especially for downloading source
> >code.  (It crashed when I chose the source code option for some packages.)
> If you haven't tried it recently, try it again.  Report specifics of any
> problems you may encounter here.
> >Actually, one reason that I am interested in using Cygwin is in order to
> >run free integrity checking software like Tripwire and ViperDB that works
> >under Unix.  (There is a Tripwire for Windows; but it isn't free.)
> You must realize that Cygwin doesn't allow you to run a generic UNIX binary,
> right?  Cygwin is a layer over Win32 providing a POSIX environment, not a
> UNIX binary emulator.
> >There
> >are security issues with downloading Cygwin before installing ViperDB or
> >similar software under Cygwin and that is why I am interested in obtaining
> >Cygwin by CD.  (My current workaround is just to download Cygwin using the
> >fastest connection available and then burn a CD although that doesn't
> >solve the problem with downloading source code),
> Actually, if you're having some problem with setup that can't be solved, you
> can download Cygwin in it's entirety using wget or similar tools.  From that,
> you can burn a CD and/or install locally.  Anyone providing such a CD to you
> would take a similar approach.
> Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> RFK Partners, Inc.                      http://www.rfk.com
> 838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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