Hi all:

Well I have a couple of more data points for the snapshot.

Windows 2000 5.00.2195 Service Pack 1, 130kb of RAM
from http://mirrors.rcn.net I was unable to get/parse setup.ini.
I got a parse error popup that read:

  setup.ini line 2178 parser stack overflow
  setup.ini line 2178 parse error unexpected STRING
  setup.ini line 2178 unrecognized line in setup.ini headers (do you have the latest 
  <bunch more of these lines>
  setup.ini line 2203 parse error unexpected "\n.' expecting string
  setup.ini line 2206 parse error unrecognized SETUP_TIMESTAMP
  setup.ini line 2206 unrecognized line in pkg zlib
  setup.ini line 4376 parser stack overflow

I also did downloads from ftp:gd.tuwein.ac.at, ftp:ftp.nas.nasa.gov, 
ftp:archive.progeny.com and http:planetmirror.com.

Sometimes the line numbers were different. Also the errors "grew" the
more I did the download from a site. Somtimes initially I would just
get a "parser stack overflow" popup without the long list of
errors. Then it would grow and give me the listing shown (in
abbrevaited form above) then I sometimes got what looks like two sets
of errors separated by a couple of thousand lines.

When I downloaded the setup.ini files manually, they had less than
2100 or so lines in them.  Obviously the setup.ini parser is going of
the deep end, or the files are growing during xport 8-). Hmm, is the
setup.ini temp file deleted when an error occurs? Where is this file
kept? Its not in the http% directory since I still have my old
setup.ini file there. /winnt/temp doesn't show it either.

Now the funny part, I was sure that I had used this build to download
and install some files on a Windows NT 4, sp5 box on Monday. However I
just tried it again, and ended up getting the parse error failure.

I didn't check but have the setup.ini files changed on the mirrors?

I'll see if I can get a chance to rebuild the source and look at
it. Also as an aside, it would be nice if that error box were able to
handle selection and copy operations. Would make it easier to generate
error reports.

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.

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