At 08:30 PM 5/2/2002, you wrote:
>On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 01:14:52AM +0100, Chris January wrote:
> >> Chris & Chris,
> >>
> >> Cool!
> >>
> >> Is the registry as reflected in /proc/registry writable?
> >I'm torn between writing "no", and "no, not yet".
> >The problem with this is that it is inevitable that at some point or other
> >someone will post to the cygwin mailing list complaining they typed rm -rf
> >/proc/registry/* and now their system is hosed and it's all Red Hat's
> >fault...
>Yeah, I'd be waiting for that.
>Right now, I'm waiting for the first "I upgraded cygwin and now my /proc
>directory has strange stuff in it!" message.

How'd you know that's what I see now?  You're psychic!  Oh and since I found
all this stuff in /proc, I did do a 'rm -rf' on it but it didn't work.  
Please fix this real soon!  I want all this disk space back!!  ;-) ;-) ;-)

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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