Dear all,

I just tried Chris' little test and got: something like this:
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0022FE84  00401073  (00401244, 00000000, 0022FEA4, 00401063)
0022FE94  00401073  (610A0368, 00000001, 0022FEB4, 00401054)
0022FEA4  00401063  (000000D0, 00000000, 0022FF10, 61003F42)
0022FEB4  00401054  (00000001, 61564ED8, 0A010278, 00000000)
0022FF10  61003F42  (00000000, 00000000, 00001000, 00000001)
0022FF40  61004236  (00401044, 00001000, F7A11220, 00000000)
0022FF60  61004275  (00000000, 00000000, F7A113B0, 00000005)
0022FF90  004010C3  (00401044, FFFFFFFF, 80430D77, 00000000)
0022FFC0  0040103D  (00001000, 0022E7F8, 7FFDF000, 610A5C2C)
0022FFF0  77E8D326  (00401000, 00000000, 000000C8, 00000100)
End of stack trace

This however, is of little help (at least not  to me).

What I had in mind, though, was to get a list of the function names
(demangled of course) that were in the calling chain to where the error
occured. In human readable form to be useful.
Sorry if I hadn't made clear enough what I was looking for!

I do get this nice feature on AIX and, of course, par excellance with Java.

Does anybody have any experience with Win32 API's StackWalk() as Larry had
suggeted in an earlier response to my original posting? Perhaps with some


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