At 09:30 AM 3/28/2002, Hans Horn wrote:
>Dear all,
>is there a way to create (and print) a procedure traceback from within an
>executable that is invoked upon error condition?
>This is possible on many other platforms.
>I've read about strace, but that seems to be not what I want, as to my
>understanding the executable needs to be run under strace.

Look at the Win32 API.  There are some APIs that allow you to get a stack
trace and walk it.  Not sure if it will work with Cygwin/gcc but you might
want to investigate it.  Sorry, I forget the details of the functionality
(or even the names of the calls!)  It's been a while.  But you should be 
able to find it at the MSDN site.

Good luck,

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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