At 08:33 13-3-2002, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Michael --
>   Did you want to add this to cygutils?  I'm getting ready to release 
> 1.0.0 and I'd like to put start(cygstart, whatev) in it for v1.0 rather 
> than later -- if its going in at all.  If you'd rather keep it separate, 
> that's fine too.

Okay, here we go, according to your (excellent) instructions.

I took the liberty to create the patch (and tar.bz2) *before* running 
./bootstrap - this keeps the patch a lot smaller and simpler.  (I _did_ 
test the bootstrap and build process, of course. :-) )

By the way, I noticed that the file licenses/COPYING.GPL is not actually a 
GPL license.  I assume that's a mistake?


  - Michael

2002-03-02  Michael Schaap  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

         * src/cygstart: new directory
         * src/cygstart/ new file
         * src/cygstart/ new file
         * src/cygstart/cygstart.c: new file
         * src/cygstart/cygstart.1: new file
         * src/ add subdirectory cygstart
         * src/ regenerate
         * AUTHORS: add Michael Schaap for cygstart
         * PROGLIST: add cygstart
         * README: add cygstart

Attachment: cygstart.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygstart.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygstart.ChangeLog
Description: Binary data

     I always wondered about the meaning of life.   So I looked it
     up in the dictionary under "L" and there it was - the meaning
     of life.  It was not what I expected.                  - Dogbert 
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