At 06:16 3-3-2002, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Michael Schaap wrote:
> does this differ from the "run" utility here:
>It may be entirely different; I'm not sure.  Certainly they were written 
>for different purposes.  Run was intended to hide the console for GUI 
>programs that still expect a stdout/stderr console.

Well, they seem somewhat related, but they do play different roles, and I 
don't think one can replace the other.
(The code is very different, by the way.  They use different APIs - "start" 
is essentially just a wrapper around the ShellExecute function.)

>Run doesn't use popt :-( so it doesn't have pretty help, but it can be 
>compiled as a native windows app :-)
>Anyway, I personally have no objection to including start in cygutils -- 
>but the sudden appearance of a 'start.exe' command in /usr/bin (which 
>could hide WINNT/start.exe) may cause consternation in some quarters.
>FYI, I've just completed the following HOW-TO-CONTRIBUTE (to cygutils) 
>document.  It will show up in /usr/doc/cygutils-X.Y.Z/ in the next release 
>of cygutils.

OK, once the discussion settles, and the final name is decided, I'll make a 
contribution according to this document.


  - Michael

     I always wondered about the meaning of life.   So I looked it
     up in the dictionary under "L" and there it was - the meaning
     of life.  It was not what I expected.                  - Dogbert 

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