>Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 16:05:02 +0100
>To: Andrew Markebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Godefroid Chapelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: problems with gdbm ????
>At 15:59 28/01/2002, you wrote:
>>/ Godefroid Chapelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>| Hi all,
>>| I'll try to be as detailed as possible...
>>| I am trying to use a python project which has access to the gdbm
>>| module which is an interface to the gdbm C "package".
>>Is python, gdbm and the gdbm package compiled with the same
>>compiler/platform.. gcc from a cygwin package or?
>>"Who's" gdbm, python and gdbm module do you use?
>The modules I got from the installation of Cygwin. I suppose Cygwin Python 
>is insulated from Windows Python ;-)
>>Check the phase of the moon.
>>         /Andy
>>  The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!
>Godefroid Chapelle
>BubbleNet sprl
>rue Victor Horta, 18 / 202
>1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
>Tel + 32 (10) 459901
>Mob + 32 (477) 363942
>TVA 467 093 008
>RC Niv 49849


Godefroid Chapelle

BubbleNet sprl
rue Victor Horta, 18 / 202
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Tel + 32 (10) 459901
Mob + 32 (477) 363942

TVA 467 093 008
RC Niv 49849

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