Hi all,

I'll try to be as detailed as possible...

I am trying to use a python project which has access to the gdbm module 
which is an interface to the gdbm C "package".

I get strange errors (malloc errors).

Both gdbm and python interface are quite mature so I suspect that the 
problem is somewhere with my Cygwin setup.

I run Cygwin over Win2k. I refreshed my setup yesterday before making any 

The strangest point to me is that the gdbm C package comes with a 
testdbm.exe program. This program has also strange comportment :
when trying to store a pair key-value, the process takes more than 95 
procent CPU for time long enough that I decide to kill the process...

I do not know if this is enough information.

I hope someone can give me a clue where I could go further...



Godefroid Chapelle

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