
Thank you for your prompt reply.  I've found my bug by your hint.

Charles> Yes, that is correct. I am surprised that it isn't working
Charles> for you.  I got the correct results -- but I was running in
Charles> an rxvt window.  Are you running in a window or
Charles> something?

Yes, I'm running in a window.  I installed rxvt and try on
it.  Now I get the correct results.

I investigate a source of the GNU Readline, terminal.c, and found that
the screen width is decrimented by one on a terminal which does not
support auto-wrap function.  TERM=cygwin is the case.

The test script in my perl module had a bug. I'm sorry that I made you
spend your time for my bug.

Charles> (BTW, rl_set_screen_size doesn't seem to actually CHANGE the
Charles> physical size of my rxvt window -- should it?  Or does it
Charles> merely restrict the area of the visible window that readline
Charles> will use?)

I understand as you do.

Thank you.

Hiroo Hayashi

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