Charles, Charles> Try the readline-4.2a-1 package (along with libreadline5) which were Charles> just announced. With that package, your bug.c program returns the Charles> correct results...
I've tried, but still have same wrong result. I installed on the next step; 1st setup readline4.2a-1 2nd setup libreadline4 libreadline5 I think this is correct. Am I missing something? Hiroo Hayashi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (HERBIE) hiroo[425] gcc bug.c -static -lreadline -lncurses (HERBIE) hiroo[426] ./a.exe 4.2a row=25, col=79 row=10, col=19 (HERBIE) hiroo[427] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ bug.c (not changed) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <stdio.h> #include <readline/readline.h> main(){ int row, col; rl_initialize(); puts(rl_library_version); rl_get_screen_size(&row, &col); printf("row=%d, col=%d\n", row, col); rl_set_screen_size(10, 20); rl_get_screen_size(&row, &col); printf("row=%d, col=%d\n", row, col); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: