Well, I just want to know - what's the thing that prevented the db
package from being ported so long ? Is it extremly difficulk or it's
just a matter of no one having the time/interest of doing it ?

I may be interested in maintaing this package but what some details
first :)

Charles Wilson wrote:

> Please search the mailing list archives (cygwin and cygwin-apps) where 
> the RPM issue has been ENDLESSLY discussed.  You will discover, among 
> other things, that we have repeatedly said "somebody needs to 
> port/maintain/contribute the package" and "(ditto) db".
> Then we ask "Do you want to volunteer?"
> Then we get silence.
> --Chuck
> Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
>> Le Mercredi 9 Janvier 2002 17:08, vous avez écrit :
>>> Jean-Michel,
>>> On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 09:12:22AM +0100, Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
>>> See the following for my 4.0.2 experiences and patch:
>>> http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin/2001-07/msg00949.html
>>> Jason
>> Dear Jason,
>> Are there technical problems for not including RPM in the standard 
>> Cygwin packages? Again, I will not be using Cygwin for Cygwin 
>> installation itself. But it will be of great help for other projects, 
>> including mine.
>> This would be so fine to just type rpm --rebuild package_name.src.rpm 
>> to compile under Cygwin. Or rpm -ba spec_name to generate packages 
>> after modifying the specs.
>> Best regards,
>> Jean-Michel POURE
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