On Thu, Dec 06, 2001, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 12:43:17PM -0600, Kim, Anthony wrote:
> > 
> > A couple of comments: I agree the MS implementation is not
> > flexible.  However, if the reparse points do not cross file
> > systems, I believe they can be relative. I do this now and
> > again..
> > 
> > C:\some\dir\here\and\there\> linkd otherdir ..\..\otherdir
> Linkd takes a relative path as argument but it's translated
> into an absolute path before storing it in the reparse point.

Oh, I did not know that.

> > The crappy part about the MS implementation is there doesn't seem
> > to exist an easy way to obtain the link destination. There's no
> > 'ls -l' equivalent.
> It's no problem to read the reparse point content so a Cygwin
> implementation would have given that information.
> No, reparse points are not useful for a POSIX emulation layer.
> Sure, it would be possible to add code to Cygwin which allows
> to treat reparse points as symlinks but I'm not going to do
> that in the near future and I'm not as interested in them as
> I was in early 2000.  At least it would again slow down the
> symlink evaluation code (the third method to look for).

OK, I got it. It was just a suggestion.

> > You're right about reparse points not working with files, but
> > hardlinks solve that issue. I was thinking in pseudo code:
> > 
> > -s flag given:
> >     if src == directory 
> >         create_junction()
> >     else
> >         create_shortcut()
> >     endif
> But hardlinks are a completely different thing.  And they are
> actually supported in Cygwin for years on NTFS.  FAT can't have
> hardlinks.

Sorry, I mixed contexts. I meant to say, when I needed another
link to a file, I would normally just use a hardlink and if I
need the file to be linked across filesystems, I'd normally
junction point the parent directory - not that frequent I admit,
but hey people do some strange stuff.

Thanks for answering my query and all the hard work you've done.


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