Reportedly a very recent internal build of Windows 11 once again changed
the current working directory logic a bit, and Cygwin's "magic" (or:
"technologically sufficiently advanced") code needs to be adjusted

In particular, the following assembly code can be seen:


  598 00000001`800c6925 488d0db4cd0f00  lea     rcx,[ntdll!FastPebLock 
  583 00000001`800c692c 4c897810        mov     qword ptr [rax+10h],r15
  588 00000001`800c6930 0f1140c8        movups  xmmword ptr [rax-38h],xmm0
  598 00000001`800c6934 e82774f4ff      call    ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection

The change necessarily looks a bit different than 4840a56325 (Cygwin:
Adjust CWD magic to accommodate for the latest Windows previews,
2023-05-22): The needle `\x48\x8d\x0d` is already present, as the first
version of the hack after Windows 8.1 was released. In that code,
though, the `call` to `RtlEnterCriticalSection` followed the `lea`
instruction immediately, but now there are two more instructions
separating them.

Note: In the long run, we may very well want to follow the insightful
suggestion by a helpful Windows kernel engineer who pointed out that it
may be less fragile to implement kind of a disassembler that has a
better chance to adapt to the ever-changing code of
`ntdll!RtlpReferenceCurrentDirectory` by skipping uninteresting
instructions such as `mov %rsp,%rax`, `mov %rbx,0x20(%rax)`, `push %rsi`
`sub $0x70,%rsp`, etc, and focuses on finding the `lea`, `call
ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection` and `mov ..., rbx` instructions, much
like it was prototyped out for ARM64 at

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch 

 winsup/cygwin/ | 12 ++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
index 599809f941..49740ac465 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/
@@ -4539,6 +4539,18 @@ find_fast_cwd_pointer ()
          %rcx for the subsequent RtlEnterCriticalSection call. */
       lock = (const uint8_t *) memmem ((const char *) use_cwd, 80,
                                        "\x48\x8d\x0d", 3);
+      if (lock)
+       {
+         /* A recent Windows 11 Preview calls `lea rel(rip),%rcx' then
+            a `mov` and a `movups` instruction, and only then
+            `callq RtlEnterCriticalSection'.
+            */
+         if (memmem (lock + 7, 8, "\x4c\x89\x78\x10\x0f\x11\x40\xc8", 8))
+           {
+             call_rtl_offset = 15;
+           }
+       }
       if (!lock)
          /* Windows 8.1 Preview calls `lea rel(rip),%r12' then some unrelated

base-commit: 08e65dd685bec34d4d74f45c06129d271b210bc7

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