On Wed, May 01, 2013 at 06:14:34PM -0600, Warren Young wrote:
>On 4/30/2013 19:28, Warren Young wrote:
>> I have decided: the script shall be called bodysnatcher.pl. :)
>I've created this.  There is a new output, winsup/doc/faq/faq.body, 
>generated from faq.html whenever it changes.
>The core of the script is only about 10 lines, as expected.  Comments, 
>whitespace and error checking balloon that to 44 LOC.

It looks like you broke the ability to build outside of the source tree.
We don't support building *in* the source tree so that's a pretty serious

% make
make: *** No rule to make target `faq*.xml', needed by `faq/faq.html'.  Stop.

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