On Apr  1 14:57, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-04-01 at 12:05 +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > Chris, do you think there's anything speaking against rearranging this
> > so that the FH_FS and FH_NETDRIVE definitions are separate from the
> > stuff under /proc?  Or, hang on, we should change all PROC values,
> > along these lines:
> > 
> >   FH_FS      = FHDEV (0, 247),  /* filesystem based device */
> >   FH_NETDRIVE= FHDEV (0, 246),
> >   FH_DEV     = FHDEV (0, 245),
> > 
> >   FH_PROC    = FHDEV (0, 244),
> >   FH_REGISTRY= FHDEV (0, 243),
> >   FH_PROCESS = FHDEV (0, 242),
> >   FH_PROCNET = FHDEV (0, 241),
> >   FH_PROCESSFD = FHDEV (0, 240),
> >   FH_PROCSYS = FHDEV (0, 239),
> >   FH_PROCSYSVIPC = FHDEV (0, 238),
> > 
> >   FH_PROC_MIN_MINOR = FHDEV (0, 200),       /* Arbitrary value */
> > 
> > Then we can simplify the isproc_dev definition like this:
> > 
> > #define isproc_dev(devn) \
> >     (devn >= FH_PROC_MIN_MINOR && devn <= FH_PROC)
> > 
> > Does that sound ok?
> That would mean that the /proc directories range would be right in the
> middle of the major-device-0 range, with non-/proc stuff before and
> after.  For the sake of clarity, I would reorder it a bit further to
> make FH_PROC and friends to one side of major-0 and everything else to
> the other side:
>   /* begin /proc directories */
>   FH_PROC    = FHDEV (0, 255),
>   FH_REGISTRY= FHDEV (0, 254),
>   FH_PROCNET = FHDEV (0, 253),
>   FH_PROCESSFD = FHDEV (0, 252),
>   FH_PROCSYS = FHDEV (0, 251),
>   FH_PROC_MIN_MINOR = FHDEV (0,200),
>   /* end /proc directories */
>   FH_PIPE    = FHDEV (0, 199),
>   FH_PIPER   = FHDEV (0, 198),
>   FH_PIPEW   = FHDEV (0, 197),
>   FH_FIFO    = FHDEV (0, 196),
>   FH_PROCESS = FHDEV (0, 195),
>   FH_FS      = FHDEV (0, 194),        /* filesystem based device */
>   FH_NETDRIVE= FHDEV (0, 193),
>   FH_DEV     = FHDEV (0, 192),
> As either way this should be a separate changeset IMHO, I have committed
> my patch as is and will follow this up on Sunday.

Sounds ok to me.

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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