Hi Abinash,

On Sep  4 09:18, Abinash Mohanty (amohanty) via Cygwin-developers wrote:
> Hi,
> Problem Statement
> Our application uses System V semaphore extensively. We are facing 
> performance issue with it.
> Problem Description
> We have created a sample code (attached with name shm_sem.cpp) which uses 
> System V shared memory and semaphore. This code takes semaphore lock, updates 
> the shared memory and unlock semaphore. It is done in a loop for 50k times. 
> It takes around 21 seconds to complete. We have compiled and executed the 
> same code on Linux which completes instantly. Following is the outcome of run 
> from Cygwin and REHL 7.9 Linux VM:
> Cygwin:
> uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-10.0-17763 Win19Build01 3.5.3-1.x86_64 2024-04-03 17:25 UTC x86_64 
> Cygwin
> Compiled with : g++ -o shm_sem shm_sem.cpp
> shm_sem.exe
> 2024-09-04 01:23:44.505687 => Starting...
> 2024-09-04 01:24:05.500330 => Finished...
> 2024-09-04 01:24:05.500989 => Shared memory and semaphore cleaned up.
> RHEL Linux:
> uname -a
> Linux Linux6BuildDev03 3.10.0-1160.59.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 16 12:17:35 
> UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> Compiled with : g++ -o shm_sem shm_sem.cpp
> ./shm_sem
> 2024-09-04 08:22:16.302955 => Starting...
> 2024-09-04 08:22:16.385529 => Finished...
> 2024-09-04 08:22:16.385631 => Shared memory and semaphore cleaned up.

Yeah, this is way faster than what we can do.  Please note that the
code handling SysV IPC is basically FreeBSD kernel code with a couple
of changes, plus a named pipe communication strategy between a Cygwin
process and cygserver.

I patched up cygserver to add timestamps to its debug output and
removed unnecessary logging of mutex usage in the BSD code.

I found that a single semop operation plus logging takes about 350 - 450
usecs.  Including the named pipe communication overhead, semop takes
2000 - 4000 usecs.

The problem is that, looking into the code, I don't see why the
communication is so slow.  Basically it consists of Windows pipe calls
and a queue giving tasks to worker threads which, most of the time,
already have been started at cygserver start.

> Is this expected behavior or there are any configuration or any
> changes you can suggest which might improve its performance will be
> very helpful.

So I can't help you out of the box, unfortunately.  Maybe we can shave a
few usecs off the code in some places, like using srwlocks instead of
critical sections, but mostly these are a problem with multiple clients,
and your example is strictly serial.

Given this is the cygwin-developers mailing list, maybe some otherr
developer has a good idea and the time to hack on the cygserver code?


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