I've been away from Cygwin development for a while, and I've forgotten (or never knew) the conventional way of cherry-picking a commit from the main branch to the cygwin-3_5 branch. Here's the context:

Last February it was discovered that a build of Cygwin with -Og failed because of some gcc warnings that were treated as errors. Corinna fixed this on the main branch in commit e99dbf6c25c3. I just tried to build the cygwin-3_5 branch without optimization and ran into the same problem. So Corinna's fix needs to be applied to that branch. My instinct is that I should checkout the branch and do

  git cherry-pick e99dbf6c25c3

and then amend the commit to add a note that it was cherry-picked.

The weird thing about this is that we would then have a commit dated Feb 14 on top of a commit dated Sep 1. Is that a problem? If so, how should I handle this?



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