On Sun, 14 Oct 2007, Alexander Leidinger wrote:

netchild    2007-10-14 10:45:31 UTC

 FreeBSD src repository

 Import OpenBSD's sysctl hardware sensors framework.
 Submitted by:   Constantine A. Murenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sponsored by:   Google Summer of Code 2007 (GSoC2007/cnst-sensors)
 Mentored by:    syrinx

Just for the archives...

I am not going to talk about the code just a comment on the Mentored by:
as this might be misleading and not be fully obvious to everyone,
especially to a non-committer in 5 years.

Not netchild was mentored by syrinx but cnst was mentored by syrinx
for GSoC 2007 under our "terms and thinking" for GSoC which is not the
same as "being mentored as a new src committer" and doesn't reflect
the same duties, etc...

Bjoern A. Zeeb                                 bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
Software is harder than hardware  so better get it right the first time.
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