yar         2006-06-21 09:42:55 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    etc                  rc.subr 
    share/man/man8       rc.subr.8 
  Quite a number of rc.d scripts try to load kernel modules.  Many
  of them do that conditionally depending on kldstat.  The code is
  duplicated all over, but bugs can be uniqie.
  To make the things more consistent, introduce a new rc.subr function,
  load_kld, which takes care of loading a kernel module conditionally.
  (Found this lying for a while in my p4 branch for various hacks.)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.59      +39 -0     src/etc/rc.subr
  1.13      +16 -0     src/share/man/man8/rc.subr.8
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