On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 12:05:09PM +0100, Florent Thoumie wrote:
> Then I'm not sure what script would benefit from this function. Can you
> point me to an example?
> > > I don't have a particular feeling against your function but it uses
> > > commands that may not be available early enough (getopt, egrep). While
> > > it's easy to remove the getopt dependency (see rc.d/mdconfig), it's not
> > > the case for egrep.
> > 
> > It's POSIX getopts, which ought to be a shell built-it by its design.
> > egrep is used with -e only, one can avoid using it if egrep isn't
> > available yet.  The only issue is true and false, I was sure they
> > were in /bin, but it can be fixed easily.

true and false are builtins for /bin/sh.

> Still, with /bin/sh, getopt isn't a builtin:

getopt != getopts

> $ sh -c 'which getopt'
> /usr/bin/getopt

/bin/sh doesn't have a which builtin, so you are executing /usr/bin/which which
just looks in $PATH.  Try 'type getopts'.

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