On 4/5/12 8:55 AM, Wesley Shields wrote:
because size of distfile changed radically
Did you take a look at the differences between the old and new distfile?
We need to always be vigilant of distfiles changing out from under us
and carefully review the changes before we commit the update.
which is why I added that to the maintainers log.
It was radically different, as you can see by the diffs for distinfo.
'distfile changing'? That was why the maintainer posted the pr,
specifically with distfile changing.
I watch for (and won't take a pr for) a new-port that uses things like
'dropbox/' megaupload :-) or personal accounts (well, maybe
I have had people tell me they have to use a personal account because
the tarball is not available, and they need to 'git' the source.
I have had my ports pr's rejected by a maintainer/committer because the
PATCH was in people.freebsd.org/~scheidell (and, pointing to the
authoritative source as primary.. waiting for the primary source mirrors
to catch up.)
in this case, what should I have done? new distfile is 40x the size of
the original ? yeh, its radically changed. no, the maintainer didn't
say it was radically changed, I did.
-SHA256 (gist) =
-SIZE (gist) = 17761
+SHA256 (defunkt-gist-v3.1.0-0-g82ffb80.tar.gz) =
+SIZE (defunkt-gist-v3.1.0-0-g82ffb80.tar.gz) = 699830
Michael Scheidell, CTO
>*| * SECNAP Network Security Corporation
d: +1.561.948.2259
w: http://people.freebsd.org/~scheidell
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