In message <>, Doug Barton writes:
> On 10/02/2011 12:16, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > In message <>, Doug Barton writes:
> >> FYI, in version 1.42 of the Makefile in its old location I tagged it thus:
> >>
> >> FORBIDDEN=      Vulnerable since 2008-11-18,
> >>
> >> EXPIRATION_DATE=        2011-10-14
> > 
> > The syslog-ng1 port has been adjusted to reflect the above.
> Thanks again. :)
> >> Apparently the repo copy was done from version 1.41 (another reason that
> >> repo copies are a pointless waste).
> > 
> > I'm not sure how to address this. 
> Don't bother with repo copies at all? :)  Given that the history still
> exists in the old location I've never seen the point. The other answer
> of course is to convert the ports repo to svn. Then the mere-mortal
> developers can just do 'svn cp' at the moment it's needed, which means
> it will be completely up to date. The other advantage to svn in this
> case is that the "copy" doesn't bloat the repo the way cvs repo copies
> (which actually are a physical copy of the relevant files) do.

True and good in practice. However this brings up the question again of 
should we go to svn in ports? I recall discussing this at BSDCan 2009. 
Having performed the conversion of ports to svn just a month prior to that, 
I noticed the ports tree had grown to over 15 GB at the time. IIRC the CVS 
tree was just over 3 GB at that time. At present the repos are:

cwsys# zfs list -r dsk01/repos
dsk01/repos         11.0G  89.8G    22K  none
dsk01/repos/fcvs    5.71G  89.8G  2.63G  /opt/fcvs
dsk01/repos/fgnats  1.21G  89.8G   878M  /opt/fgnats
dsk01/repos/fsvn    4.04G  89.8G  3.38G  /opt/fsvn
cwsys# zfs get compressratio dsk01/repos
dsk01/repos  compressratio  1.73x  -
cwsys# df -h /opt/f*
Filesystem                     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
dsk01/repos/fcvs                92G    2.6G     89G     3%    /opt/fcvs
dsk01/repos/fgnats              90G    877M     89G     1%    /opt/fgnats
dsk01/repos/fsvn                93G    3.4G     89G     4%    /opt/fsvn

Space was a big factor.

Cy Schubert <>
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