FYI, in version 1.42 of the Makefile in its old location I tagged it thus:

FORBIDDEN=      Vulnerable since 2008-11-18,
EXPIRATION_DATE=        2011-10-14

Apparently the repo copy was done from version 1.41 (another reason that
repo copies are a pointless waste).

In any case give how long this port was vulnerable it might have made
sense to just do the upgrade, and eliminate version 1 entirely. The next
best solution would be to move the expiration date up to 2011-10-14.
Either way the port should be FORBIDDEN, not DEPRECATED.


On 10/01/2011 20:53, Cy Schubert wrote:
> cy          2011-10-02 03:53:50 UTC
>   FreeBSD ports repository
>   Modified files:
>     sysutils/syslog-ng1  Makefile 
>   Log:
>   Deprecate syslog-ng1 and expire on Nov 1, 2011.
>   Submitted by:   Syslog-ng upline.
>   Approved by:    Maintainer
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.43      +3 -0      ports/sysutils/syslog-ng1/Makefile


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