2011/1/20 Alexey Dokuchaev <da...@freebsd.org>:
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 06:18:39PM +0800, wen heping wrote:
>> 2011/1/20 Alexey Dokuchaev <da...@freebsd.org>:
>> > On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 01:32:16PM +0300, Boris Samorodov wrote:
>> >> Wen Heping <w...@freebsd.org> writes:
>> >> > +LICENSE=  GPLv2
>> >> > +LICENSE_FILE=   ${WRKSRC}/docs/licenses/COPYING
>> >>
>> >> This is a general question, just picking this commit up.
>> >> Should we provide the license text if it's a standard one?
>> >> My vote is "no"...
>> >
>> > I would also said no. In fact, I find it abusive and wrong to use the
>> > LICENSE_FILE at all for standard licenses. Then problem is that people
>> > don't care, and we (ports people) do not do enough to educate them, and
>> > even sometimes encourage mistakes by committing bad submissions.
>> I do not think it is a wrong use when set LICENSE_FILE even it's a
>> standard one.  What is its harm?  It could at least help the user to find
>> the license file easily.
> Licenses are installed in the standard place anyways, so finding it

Not all licenses are installed in the standard place, such as this
port www/moin.

> should not be a problem.  However, explicit definition of LICENSE_FILE
> for standard licenses goes against general declarative idea of Makefile.
> When you ask the author, how is your software licensed, you expect to
> hear something like "BSD" or "GPLv2".  This is sufficient in 99% cases.

If I am the author of the source, and I include my email or some other
extra message in the LICENSE. Then , when I was asked what is my
I would say, my license are like "BSD" and "GPLv2", and please read my
license file too :)

Maybe, a more detailed guide of use bsd.license.mk should be created.


> I think that usage of our LICENSE framework should follow these simple
> (and natural) way.  More over, explicit LICENSE_FILE could be incomplete
> or non-verbatim copy of the standard license.  Last but not least: why
> increase entropy?
> ./danfe
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