On Fri, 7 Aug 2020 at 17:14, Tom Livingston <tom...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Maybe this is simpler: > > https://tomliv.com/css-d/portraitlandscape/index2.html
Tom, No, thanks though. It is for a professional history of photography site and I need them centered and portraits 100% height (variable width, fixed 1:1 aspect ratio), and landscapes 100% width (variable height, fixed 1:1 aspect ratio). Aaron -- Aaron Gray Independent Open Source Software Engineer, Computer Language Researcher, Information Theorist, and amateur computer scientist. ______________________________________________________________________ css-discuss [css-d@css-discuss.org] http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/ List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/