But HOW do you know if it's P or L? Wade is pulling metadata and adding that info to his database so when the image is called for the orientation is also given so it's easy to output

class="<?php echo $row['orientation']; ?>"

How are you determining the orientation and feeding that data to the browser?


On 2020-08-06 5:30 AM, Aaron Gray wrote:
For this application, the orientation will always be correct to
landscape or portrait.

On Wed, 5 Aug 2020 at 11:27, Wade Smart <wadesm...@gmail.com> wrote:
How do you know if they are landscape or not?
A image could have been taken with a camera and its shown sideways
but the phone shows portrait. Im working on a project right now where
Im extracting the metadata from the pic and based on that, putting a
indicator in the db to say landscape or not and when we load all images
based on x filter, as you are getting the image location, you get the

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On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 7:32 PM Aaron Gray <aaronngray.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have some code that handles landscape and portrait photographs
framing them within a fixed area div. My issue is that I have to set a
class as to whether they are landscape or portrait.

         body {
             background-color: black;
         .thumbnail {
             display: inline-block;
             position: relative;
             width: 8em;
             height: 10em;
             margin: 0px;
             padding: 0px;
             border-width: 0px;
         img {
             position: absolute;
             top: 50%;
             left: 50%;
             width: auto;
             height: auto;
             max-width: 100%;
             max-height: 100%;
             transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
             margin: 0px;
             padding: 0px;
             border-width: 0px;
         img.portrait {
             height: 100%;
         img.landscape {
             width: 100%;

     <div class="thumbnail">
         <img class="portrait" src="..."/>
     <div class="thumbnail">
         <img class="landscape" src="..."/>

I am wondering if there is a way to do this where I don't have to
determine the format and set the class accordingly ?



Aaron Gray

Independent Open Source Software Engineer, Computer Language
Researcher, Information Theorist, and amateur computer scientist.
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