Thomas Boerger ( wrote:
> Guys, are you serious? we started this thread multiple months ago and nobody
> really cared about it.

That's not true at all.  There was plenty of interest in doing it, but
the final deletion got postponed due to other activities and holidays.

> And now we need to create again multiple lists for
> repositories you don't work with anymore?

Don't work with?  We are talking about repos,
right?  Last time I checked there were plenty of people still working
on these ;-)

You have to create the lists anyway in order to know what to delete,
so what's the problem with sharing them in advance?  This is a
perfectly reasonable request in order to eliminate the risk of
deleting branches which need to be kept.

If you prefer, you may find it easier to start with a partial list
since even a partial cleanup would be helpful - e.g. "hey guys, is it
OK if I delete feature/pfs-folsom/master and feature/grizzly/master
across all barclamps?"

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