When I see a "merge commit" there is no way for me to see the PR title
without going to github.  I am not always online when I'm reading code.
'git log' is supposed to tell me what changes happened to my code that I
can reason about all in the same context.  Putting a nearly meaningless URL
in an explanatory commit message context is a wasteful context shift and
skips important data.  That, and they're not that way in OpenStack projects.

Judd Maltin
I have suffering to learn compassion once and once again.
On Nov 15, 2013 8:38 PM, "Adam Spiers" <aspi...@suse.com> wrote:

> Judd Maltin (j...@newgoliath.com) wrote:
> > When looking at 'git log'  commit messages should have more than a PR #.
> I don't quite follow this.  Certainly non-merge commits should have
> useful commit messages, and following OpenStack's lead in this regard
> would be best practice:
>   https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages
> But your comment above seems to reference merge commits rather than
> non-merge commits, and I don't see the need for any significant
> content in a merge commit's message body, other than perhaps the full
> URL to the PR on github, for convenience when viewing the commit
> outside of github.  What else are you suggesting to be included?
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