Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
Our long term goal will be to merge the perconna DB  into the database barclamp 
so it fits as one and people then have a choice as to which they want.

Thanks for the comments on the haproxy I will look into it.


Steve Friday

From: Edmund Haselwanter []
Sent: 21 October 2013 07:16
To: Friday, Stephen
Cc: crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] crowabr community

Ok. I see. Either use the titanium series of barclamps (which come with its own 
mysql, etc) or use the ?vanilla? series of barclamps. This has a smell of not 
beeing DRY.

btw. the haproxy cookbook is starting the service *before* configuring it.

2013/10/21 <<>>
Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
We work for Dell services and will not use Postgres as our OpenStack DB, in my 
opinion we should all be able to make choices, beauty of opensource, so if the 
default DB of choice is postgres it does not mean we all have to stick to that 
as a hard and fast solution.

In the Crowbar 2.0 release of HA we will be looking at making use of the 
wrapper/application cookbook pattern.

Steve Friday

From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Edmund Haselwanter
Sent: 21 October 2013 03:44
To: Friday, Stephen
Cc: crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] crowabr community

Now I am a little confused. I thought we would try to use upstream cookbooks 
wherever possible, and make use of the wrapper/application cookbook pattern? 
the haproxy cookbook in the loadbalancer barclamp does not really implement 
this pattern.

And I think I read that crowbar will use postgres in crowbar 2.0? so this is 
true for the rails app? but *not* for the openstack db backend?

- Edmund

Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
That was meant for a colleague of mine, well now I have started I may as well 
clear this up and do a better announcement. :)

We have been working towards releasing the High-availability barclamps, three 
of these are complete so far and the others should be delivered in the next 
couple of weeks.

The current process would be to build a crowbar server and then to add/replace 
the barclamps. The three that are complete at this moment are: - This barclamp 
will add a menu item to the Crowbar web front end for OpenStack 
High-Availability - This is 
the load balancer barclamp, it is intended to be delivered as the first 
barclamp and is to be used in conjunction with three controllers it will 
allocate a public IP to each controller and an admin and public VIP - This is the 
percona MySQL database server and will run xtraDB cluster. This will also be 
delivered to the three controllers.

I hope to have keystone and RabbitMQ cluster up there in the next couple of 
days. I will email more out next week, any questions please feel free to let me 

Steve Friday
Solutions Architect Director - Cloud Services Engineering CoE
Dell | Services Product Group
Mobile +1 (512) 815 0476<tel:%2B1%20%28512%29%20815%200476>

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Edmund Haselwanter
Head of Consulting and Training / Leiter Consulting und Training

Körnerstr. 7-10
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F: +49 30 577018099<tel:%2B49%2030%20577018099>

cloudbau GmbH, Körnerstr. 7-10, 10785 Berlin

Geschäftsführer: Sören Blom, Hendrik Volkmer, Edmund Haselwanter
Registergericht: AG Hamburg, HRB 125114
Steuernummer: 37/223/21966<><>

Edmund Haselwanter
Head of Consulting and Training / Leiter Consulting und Training

Körnerstr. 7-10
10785 Berlin
T: +49 171 7607049
F: +49 30 577018099

cloudbau GmbH, Körnerstr. 7-10, 10785 Berlin

Geschäftsführer: Sören Blom, Hendrik Volkmer, Edmund Haselwanter
Registergericht: AG Hamburg, HRB 125114
Steuernummer: 37/223/21966<>
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