Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
OpenStack HA - Identity barclamp has been uploaded  and it is available here
Steve Friday
Solutions Architect Director - Cloud Services Engineering CoE
Dell | Services Product Group
Mobile +1 (512) 815 0476

From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Friday, Stephen
Sent: 19 October 2013 16:36
To: crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] crowabr community

Dell - Internal Use - Confidential

That was meant for a colleague of mine, well now I have started I may as well 
clear this up and do a better announcement. :)

We have been working towards releasing the High-availability barclamps, three 
of these are complete so far and the others should be delivered in the next 
couple of weeks.

The current process would be to build a crowbar server and then to add/replace 
the barclamps. The three that are complete at this moment are: - This barclamp 
will add a menu item to the Crowbar web front end for OpenStack 
High-Availability - This is 
the load balancer barclamp, it is intended to be delivered as the first 
barclamp and is to be used in conjunction with three controllers it will 
allocate a public IP to each controller and an admin and public VIP - This is the 
percona MySQL database server and will run xtraDB cluster. This will also be 
delivered to the three controllers.

I hope to have keystone and RabbitMQ cluster up there in the next couple of 
days. I will email more out next week, any questions please feel free to let me 

Steve Friday
Solutions Architect Director - Cloud Services Engineering CoE
Dell | Services Product Group
Mobile +1 (512) 815 0476

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