Good news! I was able to successfully apply the cinder barclamp:

1) I reinstalled the hardware (deleted it, booted via PXE, reinstalled OS via allocation)
2) I deactivated and deleted all the proposals
3) I performed the /opt/dell/bin/barclamp_install.rb cinder command
4) I recreated proposals and applied one at a time
5) Cinder installed fine according to the GUI (success message and light is green)

I have run into another issue, however. Quantum now fails. I couldn't find a suitable log file with the error message (and I'm not sure which would be the right one), so I defer to you guys for guidance as to which log file I need to be looking at so that I may send you the error.

Thanks once again.

           Daniel San Pedro
           Systems Administrator
           MCNA Dental Plans
           Office: (800) 494-6262 Ext. 203
           CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail may contain
           information that is privileged, confidential, and/or
           otherwise protected from disclosure to anyone other than its
           intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this
           electronic mail or its contents by persons other than the
           intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have
           received this communication in error, please notify the
           sender immediately by reply e-mail so that we may correct
           our internal records. Please then delete the original
           message. Thank you.

On 10/2/13 3:12 PM, Daniel San Pedro wrote:
On the web-gui, the cinder barclamp is flashing red and there is message on the top stating that it failed to apply the proposal. Perhaps I gave you the wrong log file or I need to pull new ones?
Could you specify what are the correct log files to look at, please?


            Daniel San Pedro
            Systems Administrator
            MCNA Dental Plans
            Office: (800) 494-6262 Ext. 203
            CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail may contain
            information that is privileged, confidential, and/or
            otherwise protected from disclosure to anyone other than
            its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of
            this electronic mail or its contents by persons other than
            the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you
            have received this communication in error, please notify
            the sender immediately by reply e-mail so that we may
            correct our internal records. Please then delete the
            original message. Thank you.

On 10/2/13 2:50 PM, wrote:


We've poured over your log output, and while there some errors related to list DB connections, all of those are eventually cleaned up. Towards the end everything seems to be operating as expected. I'd like to understand what doesn't work when you say "It failed again." Would you be able to give us more detail one what makes you say this please?


*From:*Daniel San Pedro []
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 01, 2013 4:17 PM
*To:* Jakesch, Simon
*Cc:* Jacob, Jacob; crowbar
*Subject:* Re: [Crowbar] mesa-1.6 - cinder barclamp fails when applying proposal

It failed again. Perhaps I am missing a step or I'm doing them out of order. This is what I did:

on Controller Node:

 1. bluepill chef-client stop
 2. mysql -u root -p
 3. drop database cinder;
 4. drop user cinder@'%';
 5. rm /etc/cinder/cinder.conf

Then, on Crowbar admin node:

 1. /opt/dell/bin/barclamp_install.rb cinder (it succeeds)

Back on the Controller Node:

 1. bluepill chef-client start

On the crowbar web gui:

 1. I deactivated the cinder proposal then deleted it
 2. created a new proposal
 3. and then applied it.

Syslog for the Controller node attached. Let me know if you need another log file.

            Daniel San Pedro
            Systems Administrator
            MCNA Dental Plans
            Office: (800) 494-6262 Ext. 203
            CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail may contain
            information that is privileged, confidential, and/or
            otherwise protected from disclosure to anyone other than
            its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of
            this electronic mail or its contents by persons other
            than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If
            you have received this communication in error, please
            notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail so that we
            may correct our internal records. Please then delete the
            original message. Thank you.

On 10/1/13 4:45 PM, <> wrote:

    My mistake it's actually barclamp_install.rb.

    *From:*Daniel San Pedro []
    *Sent:* Tuesday, October 01, 2013 3:40 PM
    *To:* Jakesch, Simon
    *Cc:* Jacob, Jacob; crowbar
    *Subject:* Re: [Crowbar] mesa-1.6 - cinder barclamp fails when
    applying proposal

    I can not locate /opt/dell/bin/install_barclamp.rb on the crowbar
    admin node nor on allocated node..

                Daniel San Pedro
                Systems Administrator
                MCNA Dental Plans
                Office: (800) 494-6262 Ext. 203
                CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail may
                contain information that is privileged, confidential,
                and/or otherwise protected from disclosure to anyone
                other than its intended recipient(s). Any
                dissemination or use of this electronic mail or its
                contents by persons other than the intended
                recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have
                received this communication in error, please notify
                the sender immediately by reply e-mail so that we may
                correct our internal records. Please then delete the
                original message. Thank you.

    On 10/1/13 4:37 PM, Daniel San Pedro wrote:

        Thanks. I did not modify anything when deploying the cinder
        barclamp. It fails on the first try. Path:

        Install crowbar OS.
        Install Crowbar.
        PXE boot two nodes: Controller and Compute
        Rename and allocate nodes, wait for green light
        Create proposals for each OpenStack barclamp except Swift and
        Apply each proposal in order starting with the database
        barclamp to Controller node
        Apply the cinder barclamp to controller node - failure

        My test environment is as follows:
        KVM Host
        Crowbar admin node running as KVM guest
        Two KVM guests PXE booting off the Crowbar admin node
        One private virtual network that all guests can talk to each
        other on
        One public network that the crowbar node has where I can
        access the GUI from

        I received instructions from another Dell CloudEdge team
        member on making this work by editing the
        bc-template-network.json file before installing crowbar, and
        it works well.

        I am currently running through the steps you outlined below
        and will report back my findings. Thanks once again.

                    Daniel San Pedro
                    Systems Administrator
                    MCNA Dental Plans
                    Office: (800) 494-6262 Ext. 203
                    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail may
                    contain information that is privileged,
                    confidential, and/or otherwise protected from
                    disclosure to anyone other than its intended
                    recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this
                    electronic mail or its contents by persons other
                    than the intended recipient(s) is strictly
                    prohibited. If you have received this
                    communication in error, please notify the sender
                    immediately by reply e-mail so that we may
                    correct our internal records. Please then delete
                    the original message. Thank you.

        On 10/1/13 2:36 PM,
        <> wrote:


            we've taken a look at your issue, and we're having a hard
            time coming up with a path on how you got to where you
            are now. Specifically your second statement about being
            able to login with the cinder.conf password. None the
            less here are the things you can do to either fix this
            issues or provide more information to use:

            We can try to recreate the cinder DB and reinitialize the
            password. In order to do so we recommend you stop
            chef-client from running on whichever node you have the
            DB located (which is typically the node that runs all the
            other MySQL DBs). Then you should drop the DB via the
            usual mysqladmin command. After we upload the whole
            Barclamp, this will reset all the associated Databags on
            the chef server, which is exactly what you want. You do
            this via: /opt/dell/bin/install_barclamp.rb cinder. For
            good measure delete the cinder.conf and restart
            chef-client. The DB and cinder.conf should be recreated
            with a new password at this time.

            If the above method doesn't result in a success, please
            send us the logfile contents (including +-100 lines)
            before and after the relevant section. We'll be happy to
            take a closer look at things.

            Hope this helps,


            *From:*crowbar-bounces *On Behalf Of *Jacob, Jacob
            *Sent:* Monday, September 30, 2013 4:36 PM
            *To:* <>
            *Cc:* crowbar
            *Subject:* Re: [Crowbar] mesa-1.6 - cinder barclamp fails
            when applying proposal

            *Dell - Internal Use - Confidential *

            Hi Daniel,

             Looks like after you changed cinder.conf , the changes
            get reverted back to the wrong one when you re-applied
            the proposal.

             Let me try to reproduce this here.  Will keep you posted.


            Jacob M. Jacob

            Software Dev Principal Engineer

            *Dell*| Enterprise Cloud Solutions

            *From:*crowbar-bounces *On Behalf Of *Daniel San Pedro
            *Sent:* Monday, September 30, 2013 3:17 PM
            *To:* crowbar
            *Subject:* [Crowbar] mesa-1.6 - cinder barclamp fails
            when applying proposal


            I am running I am
            currently testing crowbar to use on our production
            environment. I am able to successfully apply the
            database, keystone, rabbitmq, and glance barclamps, but
            get hung up when applying cinder. I get the following
            error message in the logs and the proposal fails:

            /CRITICAL [cinder] (OperationalError) (1045, "Access
            denied for user 'cinder'@'' (using
            password: YES)")/

            Upon further research, I found that the MySQL password
            that the barclamp reports differs from what is cinder.conf
            I have tried all of the below with no success:

              * Synchronize passwords. I tried changing cinder.conf
                to the password found in the barclamp and reapplied,
                and vice versa
              * I am able to login locally to MySQL using the cinder
                user and the password found in cinder.conf
              * Edit
                and manually add the password in the "db" section



                        Daniel San Pedro
                        Systems Administrator
                        MCNA Dental Plans
                        Office: (800) 494-6262 Ext. 203
                        CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic mail
                        may contain information that is privileged,
                        confidential, and/or otherwise protected from
                        disclosure to anyone other than its intended
                        recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of
                        this electronic mail or its contents by
                        persons other than the intended recipient(s)
                        is strictly prohibited. If you have received
                        this communication in error, please notify
                        the sender immediately by reply e-mail so
                        that we may correct our internal records.
                        Please then delete the original message.
                        Thank you.

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