Hi Victor,

Le vendredi 21 juin 2013, à 13:14 -0500, Victor Lowther a écrit :
> Hi, Vincent:
> I was running through one of mt semi-regular smoketests of the Pebbles
> codebase when I noticed that the admin node had transitioned into problem
> state.  A quick glance at /var/log/install.log showed that the admin node
> sanity check (at /opt/dell/bin/barclamp_test.rb) was failing one of the
> proposal_delete tests -- specifically:
> node_manipulate: Success creating role without test-multi-rest
> node_manipulate: Success: delete test_p1 proposal
> node_manipulate: Value: ["", 404]  Expected: ["Failed to apply the proposal
> to: dtest-machine-1.dell.com ", 405]: Failed to delete active: test_p1

Right, looking at what barclamp-test is doing, this is kind of expected
given the fix we're talking about. My understanding, and this is what
the webui enforces (since forever?), is that it should not be possible
to delete a proposal before deactivating it. And the test as it is
written in barclamp-test breaks this assumption. If the assumption is
wrong (it sounds sane to me, though), then we should also fix the UI.

> I looked at the install-chef-suse.sh ,and saw that the barclamp_test.rb
> call had been conditionalized with a note to the effect that it was failing
> -- we probably should not be doing that.
> When you were editing the code that handles proposal deactivation and
> deletion, were you running the barclamp_test.rb to verify that the proposal
> API was still passing the tests?

I'm only using what's setup by install-chef-suse.sh, so indeed, no
barclamp-test here... I'm not totally sure why it was breaking a long
time ago and if it's still the case, though.


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